Arch 528_7 Weeks_COURSE SCHEDULE
Asynchronous Coursework:
Coursework is organized on a weekly schedule this semester. The coursework will consist of a number of listed short Lessons to complete each week along with associated Learning Check quizzes and an Exercise designed to help you prepare for utilizing material in your studio design work.
After each topic module you will be asked to take a short Quiz to help you retain and synthesize your learning and confidence with the course material.
You will have to pace yourself throughout the week to complete each week’s Lessons and associated Learning Checks by 11:59pm ET every SUNDAY. Depending on the topic, some Exercises will have a longer time to complete, so be sure to make note of the submittal deadlines for them.
Synchronous Discussion:
Thursday mornings from 9-10am ET the course faculty will be available to meet online for a
Q +A discussion of ongoing work and and discussion of material from the Lessons. Individuals or studio teams will have the opportunity into small groups with individual course faculty.
This will also be a good opportunity for questions and assistance with class Exercises and Assignments.
To help us prepare, please post any questions for Thursday discussions on Wednesday to the #discussion Slack channel.
Week 9 (March 06 - 12) Course Introduction
Start at the About Page and explore the Course User Guide Miro board.
Take a look at the Semester Schedule and Syllabus.
Thursday March 09 9:00am - 10:00am
This is a required in person meeting for all students to be held during our official scheduled class time. This will be the only required collected class meeting of the semester.
Your attendance is required.
Week 9 (March 06-12) Modules 3 + 4
Module 3
Begin by reviewing the overview of Module 3: Building Organizational Systems.
Then complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 3.1: Active Building Systems
3.1.1 Selection: Building Standards + Systems
3.1.2 Mechanical Ventilation + Building Organization
3.1.3 Active Building Systems Integration + Distribution
3.1.4 Renewable Energy Systems
Complete the following lessons and associated learning checks in Topic 3.2: Building Water Systems
Learning Checks 3.1.3, 3.2.1 Due by March 12 at 11:59pm ET.
Exercise 1 Active Environmental Systems Selection and Organization. Due by March 26 at 11:59pm ET.
Module 3 Quiz Link. Due by March 12 at 11:59pm ET.
Week 9 Instructions Continue Below.
Week 9 (March 6 - 12) Module 4
Begin by reviewing the following lessons from Arch 527:
Topic 4.1: Facade Systems_Materials + Assemblies.
4.1.1 Facade Compositional Strategies
4.1.3 Facade Construction System Selection
Then view the following Lessons and complete their associated Learning Checks.
4.1.4b Glass + Glazing Selection
Exercise 2 is a continuation of your initial Facade Systems Design exercise from Arch527.
Two additional optional/supplemental lessons are provided, without associated Learning Checks.
4.1.6 Facade Details (Supplemental and Optional Lesson under development) Not required.
4.1.7 Walkable Roofs (Supplemental and Optional Lesson under development) Not required.
Learning Checks 4.1.4a, 4.1.4b Due by March 12 at 11:59pm ET.
Exercise 2: Facade Design Development, Material Selection, and Composition. Due by March 26 at 11:59pm
Week 9 Discussion (March 9)
No online discussion this week due to Course Introduction.
Please arrange for an in-person visit with course faculty or post your questions on our course Slack!
Teams can sign up for meetings with faculty. Sign up sheet TBA.
9 - 10 am: zoom link here. Password: 528
Week 10 (March 13 - 19)
This week we will continue our focus on the topic of facade systems design performance.
Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 4.3: Facade Performance.
4.3.1 Heat Transfer + Thermal Bridges
4.3.2 Glazing Systems + Shading
4.3.3 Air Tightness + Moisture Control
Learning Checks 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 Due by March 19 at 11:59pm ET.
Exercise 3: Wall Section Development… Coordinating Facade Design and Environmental Systems. Due by April 09 at 11:59pm ET.
Make sure to review the coursework introduced in Week 09 and the respective deadlines.
Week 11 (March 13 - 19)
This week we will continue with the topic of facade system design and introduce material to support your development of a comprehensive wall section for your studio design projects.
Complete the following lessons and associated learning checks in Topic 4.2: Facade Integration.
4.2.1 Facades, Structure, + Balcony Systems
Complete the following lessons and associated learning checks in Topic 4.4: Wall Section Drawing.
4.4.1 Lateral + Vertical Support with Attachment to Structure
4.4.2 Wall Section Examples + Relation to Façade Design
4.4.3 Wall Section Development: Select Detail Conditions
4.4.4 Supplemental: Building + Façade Acoustics Performance (by Alaa Algargoosh)
No exercise this week.
Learning Checks 4.2.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.4.1 Due by March 26 at 11:59pm ET.
Module 4 Quiz Link. Due by April 02 at 11:59pm ET.
Exercise 1 due by March 26 at 11:59pm ET. (See Week 9 Module 3 Above)
Exercise 2 due by March 26 at 11:59pm ET. (See Week 9 Module 4 Above)
Make sure to review the coursework introduced in Week 9 + 10 and the respective deadlines.
Week 12 (March 27 - April 2)
Design Development + Wall Section Review.
No required Lessons this week!
Contact Arch527 faculty for assistance with your Wall Section development.
Exercise 3 Due by Sunday, April 09, 11:59 pm.
Module 4 Quiz Due by Sunday, April 02, 11:59 pm.
Make sure to review the coursework introduced in Week 11 and the respective deadlines.
Week 12 Discussion (March 30)
No Discussion this week.
Week 13 (April 3 - April 9)
This week introduces Module 5 with a range of topics around the transition from design into construction and also materials on building performance and test.
Begin by reviewing this overview of Module 5: Building Management + Performance Systems.
Then Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in
Topic 5.0 Building Electrification:
5.0.1 Introduction to Building Electrification (required)
5.0.2 Building Electrification: Consumption Patterns + Design Opportunities (supplemental)
Topic 5.1 Construction Specifications.
5.1.1 Introduction to CSI Specification System (required)
Learning Checks 5.0.1, 5.1.1 Due by April 9 at 11:59 pm ET.
Module 5 Quiz to be completed by April 23 at 11:59 pm ET.
Learning Check Review (optional)
We are offering an Optional Learning Check Review as a way to reinforce your learning and to gain extra credit/bonus points for your course evaluation.
Please note that some material on the Learning Check Review will not be presented until next week.
Follow this link to the Learning Check Review 528.
If you choose to take advantage of this opportunity please complete this by April 23 at 11:59 pm ET.
Week 13 Discussion (April 6)
9am-10am ET. Zoom link here.
password: 528
Scheduled meeting during studio time with Lars Junghans M April 3, Th April 6, 1-6 PM
Week 14 (April 10 - 16)
The lesson will provide an overview of these variables with some examples of different processes of predicting building costs along with some of the qualitative and quantitative variables that effect them.
Topic 5.3: Building Costs. (Required Lessons)
5.3.1 Introduction to Building Costs (required)
5.3.1 Learning Check Due by April 16 at 11:59 pm ET
5.3.2 Comparative Costs of Structural Systems (required)
5.3.2 Learning Check Due by April 16 at 11:59 pm ET
5.3.4 Exercise 4 Building Costs Introduction to the exercise.
Exercise 4 Due by April 23 at 11:59 pm ET. (Uploaded to our canvas site.)
Module 5 Quiz to be completed by April 23 at 11:59 pm ET. (required)
Learning Check Review (optional) to be completed by April 23 at 11:59 pm ET.
Make sure to review the coursework introduced in Weeks 13 + 14 and the respective deadlines.