Introduction to Integrative Systems F2022

At the left you will find a PDF version of the introduction, including some useful narration from your course compere, Mick Kennedy

This introduction summarizes the primary learning goals of the course and the format of online learning. The video introduces Arch527 Integrative Systems with an on overview of just what is meant by integrative design in architecture: a design practice which considers the design of building structural, environmental, egress and facade systems simultaneously with the design of building form, plan and section development and the consequences of environmental, site and urban and issues.

Please review the presentation carefully and send along any questions via email or on our course SLACK CHANNEL.

Please review the Course User Guide to better understand how the course has been organized for 1. Online, (mostly) asynchronous and scheduled self-paced learning. 2. Real-time, synchronous discussion sections and Q+A with course faculty 3. Exercises that coordinate with your work in Systems Studios.

This introductory presentation and Course User Guide describe how course presentations are organized into a series of Modules. These Modules are further subdivided into building systems Topics each with a series of Lessons and associated Learning Checks, Quizzes and Exercises designed to help you synthesize and deploy the material learned.

The introduction will also cover key points of the syllabus, including course resources, student support and assistance, evaluations and our attendance policy, modified for online learning.

Please review the syllabus carefully you will be asked to take a short quiz on your understanding of the syllabus….You will also be asked to complete an Introductory Survey on your academic and professional experience and expectations for the course.

Follow this link to the quiz and survey. Please complete before Sunday, September 4 at 11:59pm EST.

Introduction 527 Sept 2, 2022

Introduction 528 March 9,2023

Zoom Recording of 03-09-23 Course Introduction

At the left you will find a ZOOM video O recording of our Thursday class meeting from March 9,2023.

During the morning session, we reviewed the course introduction material from the video posted above and heard more from Arch527/528 co-instructors Profs. Peter von Buelow and Lars Junghans.

As in the previous course introduction we reviewed the goals of the course, its online format and requirements as well as a summary of the course evaluation process.

Course GSI Madison Wong introduced herself and gave us all a tour of the course website.

If you were unable to attend Thursday class meeting it is essential that you carefully review this and the previous course introduction. And to carefully read the course syllabus.

You are responsible for knowing what to expect from the course and what participation in the course expects from you.


Slack Channel Descriptions

Join our slack channel right away using this link. You will automatically be added to the following channels:


#announcements - This channel is for workspace-wide communication and announcements.

#coursework - This channel is for all questions regarding coursework, including lessons, learning checks, exercises, and assignments.

#discussion - Q&A Platform. Post questions here that you'd like to be covered during our Thursday morning Zoom discussions.

#inspiration - This channel will serve as a helpful collection of links and resources that you find throughout the semester. Please post anything interesting or inspiring related to integrative building systems here!

#resources - This channel is for instructors to post resource links for sharing with students.