Exercise 1 Introduction: Working with Code
Lesson Overview
This lesson will review important concepts from Lesson 1.1.4 on the subject of the how the building code relates Allowable Building Height and Area to Occupancy Groups and Construction Types. It will also introduce Exercise 1, which is designed to give you experience working with the code to better understand how the relations between three topics directly impact to early Schematic Design decision making.
This is not a team exercise. Each of you should do this exercise yourself.
Lesson Goals
Following this introductory lesson, you should all be prepared to successfully work through the Code Exercise. The goal is for EACH of you to gain this working knowledge of using the code, so each of you needs to do the exercise. You can work collaboratively to help one another if necessary, but don’t short-change yourself….this knowledge will be useful throughout your career.
Important Note: This introduction references F2021 submittal date for the Exercise. Please ignore this.
The submittal date for the Exercise 1 is Sunday, September 11 at 11:59pm.
Use the course Slack Channel to ask question or seek guidance as needed.
This is not a team exercise. Each of you should do this exercise yourself.
SECTION 001 Click Here to Download Exercise 1.
SECTION 002 Click Here to Download Exercise 1.
SECTION 001 Follow this link to Canvas to upload Exercise 1.
SECTION 002 Follow this link to Canvas to upload Exercise 1.
Important Note: This introduction references F2021 submittal date for the Exercise. Please ignore this.
The submittal date for the Exercise 1 is Sunday, September 11 at 11:59pm.