Lesson 2.2.5

Construction Staging

Lesson Overview


In this lesson we will introduce different strategies for how a site is prepared for the construction process. This includes construction staging - when, where and how materials arrive on the site - as well as the sequence of construction processes and the coordination of the various tradespeople and workflow on the site.

Lesson Goals


• Have a grasp of the staging process for construction in wood, steel, concrete, and masonry.

• Realize the differences implied by construction in-situ, pre-fabricated or combined.


Supplemental Lesson 2.2.5

The videos linked to the right present a series of construction projects on site to illustrate the sequences of operations, materials and construction staging involved in a complex building project.

Follow this link to download and watch an informative and enjoyable video relating the planning and construction of a residential project on a very tight London site.


2.2.4 Mass Timber


2.2.6 Light Wood Framing Review