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Week 10 (Nov 1 - 7)

Start at Module 4: Facade Systems.

Complete the following lessons and associated learning checks in Topic 4.2: Facade Integration

4.2.1 Facades, Structure, + Balcony Systems

4.2.2 Window Openings

Complete the following lessons, associated learning checks, and exercise in Topic 4.3: Facade Performance

4.3.1 Heat Transfer + Thermal Bridges

4.3.2 Glazing Systems + Shading

4.3.3 Air Tightness + Moisture Control

4.3.4 Exercise Introduction

Exercise 8a: Wall Section Development… Coordinating Facade Design and Structural Design and Environmental Systems

Due by Nov 8 at 11:59pm ET.

October 28

Week 9 Discussion (Oct 28)

November 4

Week 10 Discussion (Nov 4)